We’ve been working on a new Facebook custom app over the past few weeks here at Right Here Interactive. Ther Facebook App allows fans to connect with other fans and experts about window treatments. One of the tools we are using is the new Facebook Commenting Tool. The tool itself is pretty powerful. You can integrate it into any web page, blog, etc. and allow comments to be posted from Facebook users (it also has other login options for people not on Facebook). I’ve read that over 50,000 installations of the Facebook commenting tool in the month or so since it’s release.
One of the features of the commenting tools is the ability to assign “administrators” who essentially can maintain the comments from people (basically, they can delete objectionable comments should they choose). The way you do that is by providing a list of Facebook User ID’s. But how do you find a person’s Facebook User ID? Well, it’s a little complicated, but it can be done. See the video below that explains it.
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