Nailed it – Backblaze….

We are constantly faced with challenges to explain our company, the services we want in an abbreviated fashion. Nobody has time or patience to figure anything out so we must get the point across quickly and effectively. As such, I’ve become a big believer in visual communication to generate demand and revenue. Lets face it, we people don’t like to read.

I was searching for a back-up solution for my wife’s computer tonight and I stumbled onto Backblaze. The homepage loads a powerful video of a woman setting a computer on fire and essentially saying “no worries, all the data is backed up.” It took less than 10 seconds to know exactly what they are about, how easy their product is to use and what their pricing is.

Way to go Backblaze, you nailed it!

for the rest of us, how can we communicate our message so powerfully to our target audience? Feel free to post replies and show me great examples….

photo credit: Nail on the Head via photopin (license)

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